Oral history interview with Sally H. Cohn / 2011 Feb 8


Oral history interview with Sally H. Cohn / 2011 Feb 8

Cohn discusses playing softball with Irv Lind Florists, an all-girl team; volunteering with Daughters of Bilitis, an early homophile organization; working against Oregon ballot measures 8 and 9; her involvement with Older Lesbians Organizing for Change (OLOC); active involvement in the Catholic church, and with Sister Spirit, a multi-faith organization; involvement with the Lesbian Community Project; working at Paddy's bar; and writing an autobiography. Sally Cohn was born in Portland, Oregon, Sept. 26, 1934, and grew up in Heppner, in eastern Oregon. She attended Lewis and Clark College in Portland as a history major.




SNAC Resource ID: 6368776

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Cohn, Sally H., interviewee.

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Sally Cohn was born in Portland, Oregon, Sept. 26, 1934, and grew up in Heppner, in eastern Oregon. She attended Lewis and Clark College in Portland as a history major. From the guide to the Oral history interview with Sally H. Cohn /, 2011 Feb 8, (Oregon Historical Society Research Library) ...

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